Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

beluttt :p

heyoow folks! wht are you doin haah?lalala i dnt care. okeoke i jst want to tellin you about ystrdy. ystrdy was very funny day yappp,crazy. i woke up at 06:40 am,its too late ya,and im take a bth so fast and goin to school. when i arrvd,what?im really schocking!!! i'd a wrong uniform,lalala sht. afthr that i goin to gor and meet any fwens. and my teacher was 'ngehukum' gue cozzz my wrong uniform,well so stupid~ abis itukan lomba mkn krpk gue cuma take a pict of them kan ya trs bnyk lah lomba nya mihihi~ skipya lngsng ke lomba tngkp beluwttt,uwewe enak toh mantep toh(8) seru cuy,seru bgtsss.....kan gue gt yang main wkwk kocak dah belutnya iuwh bikin geli gue sm fadhillah ampe nge-lol to the maxxx~ tp kalah gicuuu mufufu,its okay lah. yg penting seluuu(i mean seru,just speak like a litlle fuckin baby,lol)hum aftrtht gue pulang,teyus makan dewwh uh laper youknow!!! trzzz udh deh gue cm ol tidur ol tidur,and now im really2 missin my freakin boyfie meric~ walau aneh im still lovin him loh wekekek. oke its enough for today,my aunt was invt me to swimmin at her 'kolam renang' but im vewwy lazy so?byebye my aunt & byebye my blog too :")

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