Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

thanks god :p

BLOUGEEEEH! gesswhat? woho oke its to lebay i've many topic so? stay tune guys!!! finally gue baikan sama mrc~ whoops. kita emang kalo baikan gapernah bilang'yaudah kita baikan ya hehe' itu sama sekali gapernah gue ucap atopun dia wkwk jdkan dia nelfon gue but gue gak ngangkat cause my mom was called me,so i decide to give him some msgs and akhirnya gue otp!!! dia malah bilang 'sombong' WHAAAT UDAH NANGIS BOMBAY DIBILANG SOMBONG???stop enough~ blabla we're talking about ya smthn and semua kembali seperti biasa,thanks god!!! wuhu terus hmm besok gue mau ke tempat apa gicu diajak tmn bokap gue kaya gunung gunung gicuuu~ really fun rght?yeahhh. and one more 'happy anniversary denish' yiheyihe lets celebrate it whit me kids~ wkwkwk,sooo im very happy today,how about you guys?

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